Wedding and Event Flowers in Victoria
Endeavour Hills, Victoria 3802, Australia

Everlasting Flowers

Everlasting Flowers for delivery in Endeavour Hills.

This Everlasting flowers for delivery arrangement is for those who want the WOW, with out the hassle. Can you believe that these flowers are all dried and preserved, not only are they lovely, they will last for months and months. Not a fan of watering or having to throw out out flowers once they start to wilt?. This is the low maintenance arrangement for you! This display piece is made of neutral colours with touches of gold, yellow and browns or pinks and whites including dried pampas grass, fan leaves, cotton and even some feathers. The Arrangement comes displayed in a white or pink ceramic vase. Talk to us if you would prefer a bouquet version to display in your own vase.Contact Us

. You may also like other low maintenance arrangements like our native posy.

Timeless floral arrangement.

We endeavour to keep things seasonal and local, so the arrangement may change slightly over the year but the effect will be just as breathtaking. Simply order our unique everlasting flowers for delivery by selecting your option on the right hand side. If you are loving the everlasting flower arrangement shown choose the Premium option, if you are looking for a smaller type choose standard option or if you really want to impress choose the BIG gesture option. You may also like to add one of these to your order Greeting Cards

These long lasting flowers will look gorgeous in your foyer, living room. They are also fantastic for your workplace, if your staff don’t have a green thumb. 

  • The standard size is approximately 35cm H, 20 W
  • Premium 45cm H, 25cm W
  • Deluxe 55cm H,30cm W
  • Big gesture 65cm H,35cn H 





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Everlasting Flowers for delivery in Endeavour Hills.

This Everlasting flowers for delivery arrangement is for those who want the WOW, with out the hassle. Can you believe that these flowers are all dried and preserved, not only are they lovely, they will last for months and months. Not a fan of watering or having to throw out out flowers once they start to wilt?. This is the low maintenance arrangement for you! This display piece is made of neutral colours with touches of gold, yellow and browns or pinks and whites including dried pampas grass, fan leaves, cotton and even some feathers. The Arrangement comes displayed in a white or pink ceramic vase. Talk to us if you would prefer a bouquet version to display in your own vase.Contact Us

. You may also like other low maintenance arrangements like our native posy.

Timeless floral arrangement.

We endeavour to keep things seasonal and local, so the arrangement may change slightly over the year but the effect will be just as breathtaking. Simply order our unique everlasting flowers for delivery by selecting your option on the right hand side. If you are loving the everlasting flower arrangement shown choose the Premium option, if you are looking for a smaller type choose standard option or if you really want to impress choose the BIG gesture option. You may also like to add one of these to your order Greeting Cards

These long lasting flowers will look gorgeous in your foyer, living room. They are also fantastic for your workplace, if your staff don’t have a green thumb. 

  • The standard size is approximately 35cm H, 20 W
  • Premium 45cm H, 25cm W
  • Deluxe 55cm H,30cm W
  • Big gesture 65cm H,35cn H 




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A big gesture, Deluxe, Premium, Standard


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